Friday, November 1, 2013

Gratitude Journal - 01 November 2013

Happy All Saints' Day everyone! For sure the traffic outside is not favorable, as we are located in between two big cemeteries. But no worries, looks like I would still be under house arrest for the whole day in order to rest and get better.

Here's my gratitude list for today:

1. New month, new possibilities - it's the first of November. 2013 is almost over. This hasn't been an easy year, I must admit. But facing these challenges and learning and growing from them are what makes us stronger. Also, the important thing to remember is this: the year's not over YET. Lots of things can still happen before the year ends. Which means more blessings, more gratitude!

2. Cooked pinakbet for the first time - I went to the supermarket yesterday, and I bought the vegetable ingredients for pinakbet! I realized that we still have some meat in the freezer, so I used that for my dish. I'm surprised how easy it is to cook pinakbet! At least I got one more dish I can whip up quickly.

3. Rest and more rest - spent the whole day resting, which is a good thing. I guess this is my body's way of telling me to slow down. I can't wait to practice yoga and run again!!! Soon.

4. Water, pineapple orange (read: lots of fluids!) - I've always been a huge water drinker. Everyone in my previous company knew that I carry a 2L water bottle which I refill 3-4 times a day! Hehehe. Given my current condition, I had to increase my fluid intake. I also bought pineapple orange juice in the supermarket. You know, the one that comes in a can. I don't think they add sugar to that (I wasn't able to check), which is a huge deal. I was looking for four seasons initially, but it seems the supermarket had run out of it.

5. Friendship - I got a call yesterday from a dear friend. I filled her in on the details, especially on the job hunt side. I am grateful that these people have faith in me! I rely on them for support, and I am really grateful for their presence.

This day (November 1) will be spent at home, resting. I do hope I feel better soon - I don't want my colds to develop into full-blown asthma. Deep breaths!


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