Saturday, November 2, 2013

Gratitude Journal - 02 November 2013

Hi everyone! Here's my gratitude list for today.

1. Tapa - I marinated my own tapa using soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper and muscovado. I let it marinade for over twelve hours, and then I boiled it first before adding a little oil for frying. Not too bad for my first attempt! I am thinking of experimenting by making variations of the marinade, and also by trying different types of meat (e.g. pork, meat, chicken, shredded meat for flakes type)

2. Jollibee dinner - Dad lent me his Happy Plus card, so I used that to buy dinner. Good thing the nearest Jollibee has a drive-through. I got the chicken mushroom pasta with 1-pc chicken. It was okay, but I think my body is asking for more natural and organic stuff. Hehehe

3. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead - I was able to download this documentary, and I'm sure glad I did! This talks of a man who was overweight and has an auto-immune disease. After a go signal from his doctor, he went on a 60-day juice fast. His entire journey was documented. I was amazed! It was a very good film. I like how he was able to influence a number of people to at least try juicing. This is fast becoming a trend here locally (juicing). And boy, do they charge a lot! A 2-day cleanse can set you back like PHP1000 or something. I reckon if I invest in a good juicer, I would be able to start my own cleanse (or reboot, as they call it in the documentary). Who knows, I can even start my own juicing company! Side note: I actually brought this up a few months ago to a friend of mine who's an avid juicer. Imagine if we started earlier!

4. Catching up with friends from all over - thanks to WhatsApp, WeChat, BBM, Viber, it's so easy to catch up with your friends. My friend from HK is now in Toronto, and we were chatting yesterday. I am grateful to have kept in touch with all these people! Their presence in my life is surely a positive one.

5. Currents/Feedly - I am really grateful for these services, for it gives me the information I need without having to manually crawl through websites myself. I tend to gravitate towards articles on yoga, meditation, running, etc (of course), but I also realized I love reading tech articles. Guess it makes sense - not only did I work for a software company, I tend to pick up on ICT tools and systems pretty easily. Cool beans!

I hope I feel better soon so I can at least practice yoga. I got no fever anymore, but the phlegm is really starting to come out! I guess that's a good thing, right? So, I am still under house arrest, so to speak, but that's all right!


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