Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gratitude Journal - 03 November 2013

Today is a Sunday, which means the weekend is coming to a close. Working people got to experience a long weekend, thanks to November being a holiday, plus the barangay elections which took place on October 28. I can only imagine how terrible the traffic will be tomorrow once everyone gets back to work. Well, probably not as terrible as when all schools resume classes.

But anyway, allow me to post my gratitude list for today.

1. The Men Who Made Us Fat (episode 1) - my friend Claire suggested I should watch this, and I was fortunate enough to download the first episode. It's a 3-part documentary on BBC. The first one talked about how corn syrup (and sugar, in general) contributed to obesity. Apparently, in the US, 1 in 3 people are obese. Wow. After watching health-related docus for two days in a row, you would really begin to seriously think about changing your eating lifestyle.

2. Finished CPI book - this is a really great achievement for me. The Continuous Process Improvement book was given to us by the Logistics Manager of the operating unit I was supporting when I was in Shell. It should have been a full-length training, but given their limited availability, we had to make do with what we had. Fortunately, we were each given the whole kit, which included this book, plus three others and a workbook as well. Amazing! Hopefully, if the interview went well and I get the post, I would be referring to this book more often. Fingers crossed!

3. Contact lens - maybe it's weird, but I an really grateful for whoever invented contact lenses. I started wearing them again only this July after a few years of abstaining, and I'm glad I'm back! I try to be more disciplined now, especially when it comes to cleaning the lens before putting them on or before storing them. I always bring eye drops with me to avoid drying up, and I make sure my hands are clean before I touch them. The pair I bought is good for six months, so I got until the end of the year.

4. Spaghetti - my sister cooked spaghetti for Halloween, and she sent over the leftover. So, I got a free meal! Really grateful for that.

5. Sleep - I am grateful for getting enough sleep. This really helps in making me recover much quickly.

I hope the coming work week will bring lots of positivity. I can't wait to run and practice yoga.


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