Monday, November 19, 2012

Looking forward to my practice later

I haven't practiced in a week! Been busy with other activities last week - running, a trip to Chinatown and Divisoria with friends, plus the opening night of a musical. I miss yoga! Come to think of it, I even miss working out (as in lifting weights), and that's saying a lot. LOL!

I still have a long way to go when it comes to my practice. But I am not frustrated. One of the great things yoga has taught me is patience. I'll get there, and when I do it'll be great! Just thinking of some of the poses I couldn't do before - the camel pose, for one - and how I can manage to do them now (some with relative ease) is amazing.

I am grateful for this day, this will be a beautiful week!

Update as of 6:05 pm: I didn't make it to class! :'( Got home with just enough time to change and pack my things. However, nature called, and I had to move my bowels. At the risk of over sharing, by the time I finished it was already too late. Huhuhu...

My options tonight are: workout in the gym later at 8 pm, run tonight before hitting the sack, or just rest. Tomorrow I shall wake up at 4 am (-ish) and practice yoga alone. I have the audio guide, I got the pose chart. It will be different, but it's better than not practicing at all. Will provide an update.


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