Monday, November 19, 2012

First blog entry of The Running Yogi in Manila

Hello. My name is Earl Patrick. Most people call me Earl, some people call me Patrick. Either way's fine, really. I am currently working as a consultant (implementation team) for a software company offering travel and expense management solutions.

I created this blog in order to write about two of my new-found passions: running and yoga. My asthma relapsed in August of 2011 after about 18 years since my last attack. Also, I officially quit smoking in December 2008. So you can imagine my surprise when I found myself wheezing and coughing like crazy. After a 3-day hospitalization, maintenance meds and change of corporate environment (as the previous one definitely contributed to my stress, and hence, my asthma), I found myself wanting to get back on track to fitness.

Queue yoga. July 21, 2012 - there was an event called Fit-All-You-Can, which is a smorgasbord of everything about fitness, health and wellness. My friend and I joined because, for only a minimal fee, we get to try out various classes. I first tried tai chi, something that has always piqued my curiosity (but never acted upon). The instructor was really good - what I appreciated the most was how he teaches the martial arts aspect of it. That's what got me interested in tai chi in the first place - how such a series of slow, gentle, deliberate movements is actually a martial art. The only catch is that his studio is along Katipunan Avenue - obviously that's not a feasible option. I also got to try capoeira, which was super fun! (Side note: capoeria is something I will try next year, and it is very fortuitous that I got a coupon for that!)

There were 4-6 yoga classes offered during that time - ashtanga, vinyasa flow, anti-gravity, pilates-infused yoga, and hot yoga. It  was the latter I tried (as it was right after the capoeira class), plus I have always been drawn to the fact that this style of yoga will be done in a heated room. Since the event was in a tent and not in a real studio, what they did was shut down the a/c sealed off all doors and windows.

My first encounter was crazy! It seemed to me that everyone who joined the class had prior yoga experience EXCEPT me. I had difficulty following the poses, and I had no idea what is meant by "Warrior 1", "Downward-facing Dog", etc. I stuck out like a sore thumb!

Despite that, I enrolled in a 1-week unlimited class in a Bikram Yoga studio. That was another experience in itself. I did five classes (out of seven), so it wasn't too bad, right? But that was only the beginning. I tried other forms of yoga, and eventually I found myself doing Absolute Hot Yoga. The best thing is, my home studio is right inside our village! I caught the yoga bug! I read yoga articles on the web, chat animatedly with friends about my practice, and think about it everyday. A couple of months into my practice, I am amazed at how much yoga has helped me. More importantly, it has really helped me pave the way to doing my other love - running.

Running is technically not new for me. Back in college I enjoy running around what is known as the Acad Oval, a 2.2km running path surrounded by various college buildings and lots and lots of trees (bet you know my alma mater by know, LOL). But running for me then was not a dedicated sport - I enjoy running as part of our training regimen for volleyball, or I run whenever I feel like it. But I never thought much about improving my speed, conquering a marathon or anything of the sort.

After years and years of searching, I finally embraced the fact that my purpose is to teach, train and help other people. And that's what I intend to do - teach languages (Spanish is another passion of mine), teach yoga, and teach people how to be happy by leading an active lifestyle. Happiness is very important. Mental health is every bit as important as physical well-being. We should do our little bit in spreading happiness to everyone around us.

Join me in my quest for happiness through yoga and running.


Earl Patrick

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