Monday, November 26, 2012

My Yoga Wish List for Christmas

Here are a few of the yoga stuff I hope to get my hands on this Christmas. Hopefully someone reads this post and decides to give them to me as gifts. LOL! Otherwise, will save up and buy them one at a time.

The Bhagavad Gita
Photo credit here

This is part of the Mahabharata, one of the ancient Sanskrit epics of India. The wiki entry on the Gita (as it is sometimes referred to) is informative. To be honest, I only learned about this during my foray into yoga. I think I was reading an article about a teacher training class, and one of the requirements is to read this book. So naturally, I became very curious as to what this is all about.

I am thinking of buying this as a gift for myself. I saw one in Fully Booked, it costs PHP800 I think (I forgot). Good thing I still have a PHP500 gift check, which I received from an exchange gift last year. I actually wrote down "Fully Booked GC" in my wish list - you can never go wrong with that, eh? #bookworm

Manduka eKO® Mat 79"
Photo credit here

Now this is a really nice gift to receive. This mat surely is drool-worthy. All the yoga instructors I have spoken with swear by Manduka. Other yoga studios even offer it as an extra-feature - e.g. "free use of Manduka mats". I have tried it in one of the yoga studios here. I can say that they are definitely sturdy, built for long-time use. Their claim is that this mat will last you a lifetime. Well, to be honest I am not too sure about that, but hey, if a mat will give you a long usage time (maybe minimum 5 years?), then I'm all for it.

Ten-Class Card at Bikram Yoga Alabang
Photo credit here

Okay, I have to admit - one reason why I would want to have this is because I am really curious as to how the Bikram Yoga Alabang (or BYA) studio looks like. Also, while I already have a home studio (which I truly love), a major challenge is the limited schedule. Granted, I cannot do yoga everyday (although I would want to take on the 30-day Bikram Yoga Challenge, but that's another story) due to running, work and other things that's keeping me busy, but I would want to have Sunday afternoons for yoga. Currently, my home studio only has Saturday mornings during the weekend. But hey, who knows - this might change once I become a yoga teacher myself. :-) I will talk more about the latter eventually. Anyway, another alternative would be to try the BYA Unlimited Intro Special, which is PHP1000 for 10 days. If I complete all ten days, that's just PHP100 per practice - which is fantastic!

The Runner's Yoga Book: A Balanced Approach to Fitness
Photo credit here

Saw this book today whilst browsing a running blog, and I knew right away that I want to purchase this! In Amazon it is listed as $14.03 (check it here), which is not too bad for a book, right? Hopefully I could get my mom (or my cousin, perhaps) to buy this for me so I can get it just in time for Christmas. Fingers crossed!

That's it! See, I'm very easy to please. Hahaha! It would be such a joy if I actually receive ALL items listed above (whether as a gift or a personal purchase). But I'm happy even with just one. I am keen on purchasing the book this week, so I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, keep practicing! :-)


Earl Patrick

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