Monday, April 1, 2013

Happiness Exercise: 6 things

Man, I've been so remiss in my writing.

BUT, given that it's Easter, I know the important thing is that I should pick up where I left off and not let past failures control me, right? Otherwise I'd never be able to get back up.

So, as a quick post, allow me to write down six things that bring me happiness right now.

1. Milk Tea and Wi-fi: Here in this southern part of the Metro, I can count at least TEN milk tea stores. Yes, it's obvious that milk tea is the new froyo. Just like running is the new badminton. But this trend brought a couple of good things: more choices (and value for your money), and free wifi. I just love the fact that I am able to go to a milk tea shop armed with my laptop and/or table, order a drink (and, at times, a snack) and enjoy the drink while surfing/reading/studying/watching videos/listening to music. I just hope that this trend wouldn't die anytime soon. Plus, some stores offer more than just milk tea anyway. For me, whether it's milk tea, regular tea, or even a yakult smoothie, I say kudos!

2. Reading: I am extremely happy that I got my reading groove back. This year, I promised to read at least 70 books (that equates to around 6 books a month), and I am pleased (nay, proud) to report that I am on a roll! The first quarter alone saw me reading more than twenty-five books. It certainly helps to have a Booksale in our building, and this branch has a great collection! Current read: a non-fiction narrative of the author's mom's Holocaust experience. Powerful stuff.

3. Choir service: This year brought about a rebirth of sorts for our church choir. We hired a new trainer, and overall the members have responded well. We have a Friday night practice that has been going on consistently, and a lot of people have given positive feedback about our singing. My wish is that this keeps up, we get more members, and we take our service to a deeper level - maybe have an outreach program or something similar.

4. My job: Now this one's a bit surprising. #truestory My close friends have been on the receiving end of my rants about my job situation. A paradigm shift, the sudden resignation of my teammate (who became a friend of mine as well), and my regularization contributed to me suddenly finding myself to be actually enjoying my job. I realized I want to stay in my present company and see where I'll go from there. Of course, the bigger picture of me teaching languages and yoga is still THE plan. But in order to get there, I need to work. And I might as well enjoy what I am doing in the meanwhile, right? Excellent stuff.

5. Good friends: I am blessed to have a strong support system comprised of friends from various areas of my life. There are my childhood friends with whom I have been friends for at least twenty years, friends from work, college, language school and church. God is great - He surrounded me with loving, caring, crazy and smart people.

6. My family: Disjointed as it seems, I am grateful that I belong to this family. I miss my Mom terribly, but I am happy that I live at a time where I can get to chat with her for free even if she's thousands of miles away (thanks heaps, Skype, Viber, etc.!). My Dad, in his own way, shows he cares through little things such as buying me the cheese bars I like. My sister and brother-in-law always welcomes me in their home - to raid their fridge or join them at meals, to let me play with my niece and nephew whom I love to bits. So, I am lucky to be part of this family!

Of course, there's yoga and running, too. But I did say I will mention only six things. So there. :)

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