Monday, January 13, 2014

Leap of faith

After months of hesitation, I finally did it. I launched my crowdfunding campaign:

Help Me Teach Yoga

Why now? Or rather, why just now? To be honest, I was scared. When I quit my job last year, I thought that everything would flow smoothly: I would pitch the idea to my family and friends, get enough funds to pay for my training, and voila! I'm a yoga teacher.

However, things did not turn out as planned. I was caught by surprise when I heard the reaction of some of my family members. I got hurt real bad. So much that, I began to doubt a lot of things. Including this whole yoga teacher training thing.

So, what happened? What changed? I guess it's just myself. I got so attached to the idea of becoming a yoga teacher that it consumed me. I forgot one of the main tenets of yoga: vairāgya, or non-attachment. This, coupled with abhyasa or practice, is very important (click here for more information). I should just have kept on practicing, meditating. This whole experience made me realize two things: one, that I am only human, and two, that I still have much to learn about yoga.

On Saturday, 11 January, I let it go. Interestingly enough, the song "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen (performed by Idina Menzel) helped me tremendously. I say interesting, you might say redundant. LOL. 

It took me a long time to create the site. It's funny how I would take a lot of breaks and step away from my laptop. Guess even up to the last minute, I was still showing signs of attachment. And then, before I knew it, it's finished!

The above picture is the one I posted in my crowdfunding site. For some reason, though, the topmost pics are cropped. Weird.

I am now in the process of sending individual mails to friends about my campaign. So far, the response has been positive. I am really happy to have finally taken this leap of faith. This whole experience has definitely changed me. I will keep you updated - my goal is to get back into writing, in preparation for my yoga teacher training as well.


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