Friday, May 2, 2014

A Few Words

So, what's been going on?

Let's see: for starters, I've finished my yoga teacher training. So, yes, I am officially a yoga teacher!!!

I'm still finishing my practicum requirements with Yoga Philippines, the studio where I had my training. I still lack two (2) classes to assist and six (6) led classes. Hopefully I can finish the former next week, whilst the latter is already scheduled for the months of May and June.

What I need is more discipline for self-practice. The summer heat isn't helping! It's not an excuse, I know. I love practicing, but lately I haven't been enjoying it as much as I used to. I need to always remember: non-attachment. Do not think about the fruits of the actions, but rather just do the actions themselves. Do it because it is pleasing to the Lord. Do it because you have to, nothing more.

I'll be attending two (2) classes later - both are led by my co-teachers. The first class is to get an idea on how other co-teachers handle their "Intro to Ashtanga" classes, which is our practicum. The second class is just to really practice, share the energy with my fellow students, and feel good!

I am also thinking of migrating my blog (yes, yet again) to another platform. But let's see.

That's all for now. Gotta get ready for my classes.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Leap of faith

After months of hesitation, I finally did it. I launched my crowdfunding campaign:

Help Me Teach Yoga

Why now? Or rather, why just now? To be honest, I was scared. When I quit my job last year, I thought that everything would flow smoothly: I would pitch the idea to my family and friends, get enough funds to pay for my training, and voila! I'm a yoga teacher.

However, things did not turn out as planned. I was caught by surprise when I heard the reaction of some of my family members. I got hurt real bad. So much that, I began to doubt a lot of things. Including this whole yoga teacher training thing.

So, what happened? What changed? I guess it's just myself. I got so attached to the idea of becoming a yoga teacher that it consumed me. I forgot one of the main tenets of yoga: vairāgya, or non-attachment. This, coupled with abhyasa or practice, is very important (click here for more information). I should just have kept on practicing, meditating. This whole experience made me realize two things: one, that I am only human, and two, that I still have much to learn about yoga.